April 30, 2009

God Bless the Children

This has been a tough few weeks for me and I apologize to everyone who checks in regularly for updates. Besides personal, private upheaval, I’ve also had to deal with Carter having tonsillitis, strep throat and a serious sinus infection. And is if that wasn’t enough…I found out I have a stress fracture of my right tibia behind my knee. I’m supposed to be walking with crutches for the next three weeks – yeah – right!
One thing I can tell you for sure - children possess amazing healing qualities. When I hold Maddie, I honestly wonder how I can stay mad, unhappy or disappointed. I try to see the world through her eyes and I realize she doesn’t hold grudges, or judge people; she just loves her family completely.Welcome Baby Beckett!!!
I just returned from the hospital from watching my new nephew come into the world. Talk about therapeutic! He is a super handsome fellow that Heather and Pat have named Beckett Charles. He weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and is 19.5 inches long. This is my sister’s third child, and I’ve been there to see them all delivered and each one was exciting! Children do help put things in perspective. Babies come into this world and just want to be loved and held and spoke to softly. You snuggle them and they snuggle you and what a wonderful bond we create as two human beings.
My life is so enriched because of all the amazing children in my life – from my own children, to my god children to my nieces and nephews and of course all of my friends children…I am truly blessed. I just felt my heart swell typing that. Thanks guys!!!

April 17, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

I loved this picture of Maddie on Easter. It was the first, and last, day she hasn’t been covered in boogers. I think there’s a good possibility she has allergies – and this is not the greatest place to live with allergies.

Due to the non-stop boogers, I haven’t shot as many pictures as I usually do…but here are a few, including all the kids on Easter.

The Carter and Maddie Show
Each one of the children has an interesting and unique dynamic with their new little sister. For instance, Maddie’s eyes light up when Codi comes in the room and he has a soothing effect on her, which comes in handy when she won’t sit still to get her nails clipped. Samantha’s presence brings on a barrage of babbling from Maddie. It seems these two girls will have a lot to talk about once Maddie starts making sense. I hope it’s the beginning of an amazing relationship like the one I have with my sister.

The last relationship is so funny I had to share some photos. Some of them are blurry and not completely in focus…but look at their faces! Maddie LOVES to play with her brother Carter. He puts her in the walker and ZOOMS her up and down the “raceway” between the front door and the kitchen. She squeals and laughs and waves her hands. It’s so cute to watch; you can’t help but laugh at them. Carter wants to be right next to her, whether she’s playing on the floor or sitting in my lap. He sings to her and makes up funny stories to tell her. Maddie sits mesmerized by his charms. This is going to be an incredible relationship to watch grow.
Hummingbirds at the parkWho Knew???
Just as there is a book for “What to Expect When Expecting” there should be a book “What to Expect When Adopting.” Now trust me when I tell you, I have read more books on adoption, bonding, bi-racial families, and international adoption. I even read medical books on possible side effects of malnutrition and neglect. So, I felt pretty confidant going into this that I knew what to “expect” from my baby and our relationship. But honestly, there was nothing written that truly prepared me for ME.

I think a lot of people think, as I probably did at first, when you adopt you don’t go through the hormonal upheaval of delivering the baby, so you, as a woman, can handle being a new mom with no problem. WRONG!!!! I feel just as hormonal as I did when I delivered my three other children, maybe more. I worry about every decision I make for Maddie, probably because I want to make up for the first 9 months of her life. Nothing prepared me for the ridiculous amount of love I feel for this creature, and how I would do anything for her…including sacrificing my identity as I’ve come to know myself. Bathing, make-up, my hair, my hobbies, my sanity … KAPUT! I’ve become unorganized, forgetful, snippy and lazy…not at all what I expected. I thought I would be lunching with my friends and shopping with my little bundle of joy. I’m lucky to get up, brush my teeth and find a shirt that doesn’t have formula or snot on it to wear. My husband probably thinks he’s experienced the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and I keep wondering, “am I sure I didn’t actually deliver this child myself?”
And have I mentioned EXHAUSTION? The other morning, after a not-so-peaceful nights sleep, I almost made Maddie a bottle of iced tea. The containers for the formula and iced tea are similar in size and were sitting next to each other. It wasn’t until I read the instructions on the lid…8 scoops equal 1 gallon…that I realized I don’t usually make a GALLON of formula for my baby. UGH!
Let me remind you too, Maddie is THE most content child who rarely cries, has almost found her schedule, goes to bed fairly early and is a happy riser in the morning. I couldn’t ask for a more wonderful child. It’s truly me. So, today I got up, showered, put on make-up and did my hair. We managed to get the dog to the groomer, hire a housekeeper and pay the bills online. One step at a time…tiny steps…in a forward motion…one at a time.

April 6, 2009

Maddie and the Snot Factory

Daddy's girl - boogers and all!

I honestly can not understand how one teeny, tiny human being can produce so much snot! In a word…disgusting! I have spent a good part of my week, okay, let’s be honest, I have spent MOST of my waking hours this past week, wiping boogers from my daughter’s nose. It’s become my new hobby. Maddie got a nasty cold last week and she is just now starting to get over it. She’s been a real trooper through it all, except for the booger-wiping part. She HATES having her nose wiped. I took several pictures this week, but ended up deleting a lot of them because she just looked so pitiful. Here are a few keepers though. Carter did a great job taking care of his baby sister
Baby in da hood!
Our "tasteful" tub pics
We decided to go out to dinner the other night because Mommy wasn’t up to cooking. Maddie is a world-class restaurant diner. She made it all the way through dinner, but it was getting pretty late when we headed out to the car. We started heading home when she started to fuss and cry. I told John I could make her stop crying if he would turn down the radio. I then started singing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” accompanied by my lovely, albeit tone deaf, children. Maddie stopped crying immediately. So, John put it to the test and had us stop singing. Two seconds later Maddie was screaming. We let her get worked up a bit and then started singing again…and poof…no more tears! We made it home after regaling her with more than 20 different animals, including an elephant and a monkey, which I honestly had no idea lived on a farm, but she didn’t seem to care.

Samantha picked out the cutest toy for Maddie that helps her work on her balance. She can sit up unassisted for long periods of time now. Here she is showing off her new mad skills!
We see the doctor this Thursday to check on blood tests, talk about our lack of desire to eat anything resembling food and to get our ears pierced.
I thought I’d also share one of Codi’s Lego creations he was busy working on this weekend. This is a two-story house complete with furniture and a fireplace. Pretty cool, huh?
Adoption announcements arrived and should go out this week. Hope you enjoy Maddie stylin' in her Mommy's shower cap. We just couldn't stop laughing!!!

March 28, 2009

“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on another part of the world.”

It’s amazing what one little girl can accomplish. I can’t help but smile when I see her cherub face, she makes my heart feel light and, even though my eyes feel like they have sand paper in them from lack of sleep, I can’t wait to spend the day with her.

This morning, Maddie was lying between me and John on the bed and she woke up in a wonderful, happy mood. She was babbling to me and looking me right in the eye, when she heard her father move. So, she turned her head, reached out to touch his face, and said, “Dada” – clear as a bell. How can you not love that?

The boys have been playing a lot more with Maddie. She loves when they come home from school because they are willing to sit on the floor with her and make stupid faces and be crazy. Codi is convinced Maddie can say “Bubba” – I don’t have the heart to tell him she’s probably asking for her pacifier or bottle.

Last night the boys helped me blow up her inflatable ducky tub her Aunt Janece bought her. She sat in the tub, splashing and squealing. It was so adorable!!! I will try to get “tasteful” tub pictures next bath.

Tonight Maddie decided that standing on the living room chair would be fun – here is a picture of her right before she fell on her face! I still think she’s going to walk before she crawls.

March 27, 2009

Here is what's new with Maddie Moo...

This has been an exciting week! We now weigh 14 pounds and the doctor is going to pierce our ears on our next visit in two weeks. There is some stuff going on with Maddie's blood tests, but since I’m not sure exactly what yet… I won’t comment on anything right now. Hopefully it’s nothing.

The most exciting news is Miss Maddie ate a few tiny spoonfuls of cereal this week! She continues to act like I’m poisoning her with strychnine by making a sour puss face whenever food touches her tongue, but she actually swallowed the food…and it did not come back up all over me!

Looks like her other bottom tooth is getting ready to make its grand entrance any minute now. Amazingly Maddie is in wonderful spirits. She learned to wave bye-bye this week and is sitting unsupported for about 20 seconds. The crazy thing is, if you let her grab your fingers, she can pull herself up into a sitting position and then straight up to a standing position with little to no help! I think she may just bypass crawling and go straight to walking. I would say she is a totally gifted child, but right now she is blowing mouth farts on my arm as I’m typing so…I guess “gifted” is not a correct assessment.

We visited all our friends at City Hall this week and said good-bye to our dear friend Tana. Maddie also helped Mommy vote. She got a “Future Voter” sticker for her baby album. How cool!

I ordered her adoption announcements…they are so adorable – so look for them in the mail over the next few weeks.

Here are a few cutie pootie shots for you. Love to all!

March 22, 2009

Weekly update

Sorry it’s been so long since I posted anything new…but little Miss Madison has decided to give her Mommy a run for her money this week. First, she cut her very first tooth! It’s a tiny little nub on the bottom. It also looks like the one next to it is trying to pop through too. Then, and much more disturbingly, Maddie decided to go on a little hunger strike and not eat for 20 hours straight. This caused her Mommy to become a little freaked out. Everything is much better now and Maddie is back to her old sweet self as you can tell by our photos from the week.

Scooter's track meet
Grandma Helen claims ANYONE can be Irish on St. Patty's Day

If you look REAL might see our new toothy...
This picture is even better...look at the bottom on the right...